How Positive Thinking Reduce Stress And Stop Negative Self-talk

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Is your glass half empty or half full? This age-old question about positive thought may influence your outlook on life, attitude towards yourself, and your ability to be optimistic or pessimistic. It may also affect your health.

Studies have shown that optimism and pessimism are linked to many aspects of health and well-being. Effective stress management is built on positive thinking, which is often associated with optimism. Effective stress management has many health benefits. Don’t be discouraged if you are pessimistic. You can learn positive thinking skills.

Positive thinking and positive self-talk are key components of positive thinking

You don’t have to ignore the unpleasant situations in life. Positive thinking does not mean you should be negative. Positive thinking is simply a positive approach to unpleasant situations. The best thing that can happen is the best.

Self-talk is a key ingredient in positive thinking. Self-talk refers to the unspoken thoughts running through your head. These thoughts can be either positive or negative. Your self-talk may be based on logic and reason. Some self-talk can be based on preconceived notions or lack of information.

Your outlook on life will likely be more pessimistic if your thoughts are dominated by negative thoughts. Positive thoughts indicate that you are an optimist.

Positive thinking has many health benefits

Positive thinking and optimism continue to be studied by researchers. Positive thinking could provide health benefits such as:

  • Life expectancy increases
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Lower levels of distress and lower levels of pain
  • Greater resistance to illnesses
  • Greater psychological and physical well being
  • Improved cardiovascular health and lower risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease death
  • Cancer has a lower death rate
  • Lower risk of death due to respiratory conditions
  • Infections are less likely to cause death
  • Greater coping skills in times of stress and hardship

Positive thinking is thought to have many health benefits. Positive outlook may help you cope with stress better, which can have a negative impact on your health.

Positive and optimistic people are also more likely to have healthier lifestyles. They do more exercise, eat healthier, and avoid excessive alcohol.

Negative behavior can be identified

Are you unsure if your self-talk can be considered positive or negative? These are some common negative self-talk forms:

  • Filtering. This magnifies the negative aspects of a situation to filter out the positive. You had a wonderful day at work. You were praised for your speed and efficiency and you completed your tasks on time. You focus on the task ahead of you and ignore any compliments.
  • Personalizing. You automatically blame yourself when something goes wrong. You might hear about a cancelled evening with friends and assume it is because you are not wanted.
  • Catastrophizing. Without knowing the consequences, you automatically foresee the worst. You think the worst thing that could happen is when you order from a drive-thru coffee shop.
  • Blaming. When you try to claim someone else is responsible for what has happened to your life instead of you. You try to avoid taking responsibility for your thoughts or feelings.
  • You say you “should” do something. Then you blame yourself for not doing it.
  • Magnifying. Make a big deal of small problems.
  • Imperfectionism. You can’t be perfect and you will fail.
  • Polarizing. Everything is either good or evil. There is no middle ground.

Positive thinking is key

It is possible to transform negative thoughts into positive ones. Although the process is easy, it takes practice and time. You are creating a new habit. Here are some positive ways to think and act in a more optimistic manner:

  • Identify areas that need to be changed. First, identify the areas in your life where you are most negative, such as work, commutes, life changes, or relationships. Start small and focus on one area that you want to change. Instead of thinking negatively about stress management, think positively.
  • Take a look at your thoughts. Do this periodically throughout the day. You can try to change your negative thoughts by finding a positive way.
  • Allow yourself to laugh and smile, even during tough times. Find humor in every day situations. You will feel less stressed if you are able to laugh at everyday life.
  • Live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. It is possible to break down the exercise into smaller, 5- or 10-minute segments throughout the day. Exercise can improve mood and decrease stress. To fuel your body and mind, eat a healthy diet. Sleep well. Learn stress management techniques.
  • Be surrounded with positive people. You can rely on them to offer helpful feedback and advice. Negative people can increase stress levels and make it difficult to manage stress well.
  • Use positive self-talk. Don’t tell yourself anything you wouldn’t tell someone else. Be kind and supportive of yourself. Be kind and encouraging to yourself when you feel the need to express your negative thoughts. Consider the things that you are grateful for in your daily life.

Originally posted 2022-12-01 08:52:46.