Developing entrepreneurship

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Develop resourcefulness

How many times have we asked ourselves “Why don’t I have this ability to be resourceful?”

Resourcefulness is certainly not a product you find on the shelves of your supermarket!

It is a set of internal resources. However, these internal resources, unlike our food consumption, increase as they are used.

So let’s abuse it cheerfully, to become more and more astute and thus favor the success of our projects.

10 steps to develop resourcefulness:

1- Face any kind of situation and accept the discomfort

Getting out of your comfort zone, making new experiences, even destabilizing ones, allows you to develop self-confidence, to be more enterprising and to take a step back more easily when faced with new situations and therefore to think about it more calmly, without going through anguish and anxiety.

In short, it allows you to quickly switch to solutions mode instead of wasting your energy staying in the problem.

So: dare to try new things, develop new activities to get new ideas.

2- Switch to solution mode

Once the situation or problem has been dissected and clarified, you need to start thinking in terms of solutions rather than in terms of the problem, it’s a way to change the viewing angle and make it more enjoyable.

And indulge in the most extravagant resolutions, because the important thing is that a strategy works, and its only framework is its ethics.

3- Rely on existing resources and stay optimistic

Knowing one’s internal resources: one’s natural talents and the successful mechanisms for transposing them, even in a symbolic or unusual way, into other situations, is the easiest way to get by in a fluid and pleasant way.

This also helps to maintain a dynamic and optimistic frame of mind (which leaves itself thinking that it will be able to find solutions.

3- Play, create, read, stimulate creativity

Do activities that stimulate the imagination, in one way or another, develop and strengthen the creativity necessary to find solutions to all kinds of situations.

There are so many ways to indirectly spark your creativity and have fun exploring the ones that work for you.

And because our guiding values ​​are particularly inspiring, take the opportunity to identify yours.

4- Improvise

There are improv theater classes for beginners that teach this skill, sign up!

Whether it’s a concocted dinner with leftovers, improvising with the means at hand builds skills and self-confidence. Forget the obsessive planning of everything, develop this new skill!

Many years ago I remember my father replacing the car belt with tights to get home. At the same time, being able to come up with a temporary solution, however extravagant or absurd, may not always be a phenomenal time saver, but it is good for self-esteem and makes you more ingenious, flexible and adaptable.

5- Always learn

Learning all kinds of things, tinkering, building instead of buying, repairing, making decisions quickly, experimenting with solutions and evaluating them instead of guessing.

The development of knowledge passes through experimentation and appropriation, much more than through theory. Do not hesitate to find out more about everything that interests you: the real or symbolic bridges between our different areas of expertise, personal or professional, are very numerous.

6- Be curious

Exploring, dissecting: understanding the mechanisms of something, whether those of the brain or the toaster, allows you to expand your knowledge, better understand the world and better adapt to it.

Feel free to take apart anything you want, like when as a kid you would destroy your new toy 10 minutes after purchase!

7- Work on your critical sense

Don’t be satisfied with ingesting pre-digested information from others (friends but above all from the mass media).

Look for its origins, understand the details, question the mechanisms, the whys and the hows.

In short, develop their analytical skills, their discernment and their critical sense.

8- Accept the difference and develop relational skills

Welcome and observe others with curiosity to understand what drives them, rather than judging and labeling them too quickly.

Developing relational skills is a way to build relational resourcefulness that allows you to face all kinds of interactions that are not always easy.

9- Learn from mistakes

Every mini crash or what people call it “failure” it is always a gift and an opportunity to learn.

To find out how we managed to fail, the possible negative strategies we implemented, to understand something we didn’t understand, to integrate new information.

However, beware of overgeneralization and misinterpretation. An open mind is an integral part of being resourceful.

10- Develop emotional skills

Our emotions are an inexhaustible source of relevant information about our well-being and what threatens it.

Recognizing them and knowing how to identify the needs to which they refer is an excellent way to strengthen serenity in the face of the unexpected, the imponderable.

A way not to be paralyzed by them, but on the contrary to take the time to listen to the obstacles that stand between us and what we want, to fill the gaps that have generated negative emotions and reduce their frequency and intensity.

Once again Socrates was right: “Know yourself!”.

Originally posted 2023-06-19 05:06:17.