Can success and humility coexist?

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Can success and humility coexist?

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Can success and humility coexist?

Leadership is probably one of the most theorized topics in recent decades.

Emotional intelligence, visionary spirit, ability to form teams, inspiring personality and coherence are some of the various qualities that a leader must possess who seeks to spread in private life but above all in the working context.

Little has been said, however, of an element that underlies the aforementioned attributes and without which the condition of leader would become a mere illusion: humility.

It is evident that the unimportance of humility has to do with a group of people/entrepreneurs who have attracted attention in recent decades.

Names like Donald Trump, Briatore, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs have built a reputation around their authoritative leadership styles.

So in a world of celebrities with this kind of leadership, what role does humility play in the success you seek?

Don’t be surprised: the role of humility is absolutely essential.

However, as more than one scholar has pointed out, humility is the forgotten ingredient in leaders, and not for the reasons one might think.

As a study conducted by Dr. Daryl Van Tongeren argues, “humble people tend to exercise more effective leadership and exhibit higher performance both individually and as a team.”

Given the importance of humility, how might we define it?

This virtue is often confused with low self-esteem.

But in reality humility is not thinking less about yourself. True humility is a gift of insight, discernment, and kindness that makes people more compassionate and charitable.

Leaders who possess the gift of humility are honest with themselves and others, they know their strengths and limitations. They are reliable, open-minded and cooperative without being submissive.

As Jim Collins has observed, “The X factor of great leadership is not personality but humility.”

Here are 3 characteristic traits of active humility, each of which directly affects your effectiveness as a personal leader and/or entrepreneur.

Humility listens

Knowing how to listen is at the heart of any successful relationship. It indicates that you are receptive and respectful of the opinions of others. Positive people solicit feedback from their clients, colleagues, and other people. In this way they increase general acceptance, the morale of their employees, improve their products and offers and develop customer loyalty.

Humility demonstrates

Humble people never assume that all is well all the time. Humble leaders, while obeying their instincts, want to demonstrate and justify a choice and their decisions. Humble people want to convince you by proving their point of view, they don’t want to impose themselves. They will never say: “Do this because I’m paying you!”.

Admit your mistake

To err is human. Admitting you were wrong is a sign of humility. As leaders, we often think that admitting mistakes is synonymous with weakness. But in truth it is an admirable act of coherence and generosity. Accepting that you did something wrong or that you don’t know everything displaces the ego in favor of personal development and business growth. Asking for help not only shows a desire to learn but allows others to shine. Plus, it builds trust.

Finally, humility is hardly the most glamorous tactic for success, but it is essential. And fortunately, today’s world still has many steps to take but is waking up to the power and potential of humility.

And do you share humility in your relationships? Tell me in the comments!

Originally posted 2023-05-29 01:19:51.