Visits: 65 Who doesn’t say that every now and then? “That event traumatized me.”, “That person traumatized me.”, “If you talk like that, you traumatize…
What a trauma!  -
Visits: 74 Personal growth and coaching, as well as other forms of work on oneself, are increasingly gaining ground in our daily lives. They are…
10 clues to know whether to embark on a coaching journey
Visits: 31 Nutrition and productivity, how to organize yourself at work? When we talk about food, we often talk about health and well-being. Likewise, when…
Nutrition and productivity, how to organize yourself at work?
Visits: 63 The benefits of envy While it’s one of the most reviled feelings, envy can even be helpful. If we listen to this sentiment,…
The benefits of envy -
Visits: 73 Can We Control Our Choices? Many of my clients make temporary or permanent choices that they sometimes find difficult to explain and therefore…
Can We Control Our Choices?
Visits: 64 Can success and humility coexist? Leadership is probably one of the most theorized topics in recent decades. Emotional intelligence, visionary spirit, ability to…
Can success and humility coexist?