11 questions to improve your life

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11 questions to improve your life

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If you want to improve your well-being and your life from all points of view, as a Mental Coach I use the wheel of life but independently you can ask yourself these 11 self-reflective questions:

How can you improve your life?

Right now, are you happy with the accomplishments you have in all areas of your life?

Personal growth
Work or study
Couple relationship
Free time

How do you feel today in your spiritual area and in your inner reflection?
How is your internal dialogue? What dialogue do you have with yourself?
What would you like to unlearn from yourself that you haven’t done so far?
In which area of ​​your life do you want to take action today and start seeing progress?
Are you comfortable with your being or do you think you can improve it?
Do you have spaces for self-observation, self-care and enjoyment?
What new self-care habits have you integrated in the past month?
Do you identify your gifts and talents, what do you do easily and enjoy?
What new learning and skills would you like to develop?

Do you think that by acting now, with the above questions, you could start a transformational process creating the potential for a different future? If your answer is positive, justify it.

Originally posted 2023-04-23 19:05:06.