When it’s time to stand still

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When it's time to stand still

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Those involved in personal growth know how often we talk about the importance of taking action.

In fact, one of the most critical points of the majority of people is the difficulty of “getting to the facts” (even when you have clear ideas about what you want to do or what is necessary, let alone when you are confused).

It is no coincidence that the proverb “Between saying and doing the sea is in the middle” is among the best known, also as a comment on the behavior of others when the actions that should have followed the words are missing.

But not always doing something is the right move.

How important it is to know how to act, so much it is important to know how not to act.

Here you are some situations in which it is necessary to know how to stand still:

1. When you don’t have sufficient capacity to act – sometimes we lack the skills or the strength that would be needed to deal with a certain situation, and it is wise to be patient and postpone action until the right level is reached;

2. When you first need to fully understand the situation in order to choose the right strategy – some people impulsively jump into the action, more or less blindly, hoping to stumble upon the right solution by chance or trial and error. But in some cases this can be counterproductive. If the situation doesn’t specifically call for quick action, it’s best to take the time to better understand the situation as a whole;

3. When you’re too tired – resting sometimes we consider it a waste of time, especially if we are cornered with a deadline. But it is a great mistake to bring the body or mind to exhaustion. It seems counterintuitive, but if in the midst of chaos we allow ourselves rest and relaxation, the action that follows will be much more effective and incisive;

4. When you are confused – the lack of clarity can make us act in a rambling and unproductive way, where we do so much to do nothing (as when we talk so much to say nothing – even talking is an action). Sometimes we are simply a little lost or feel the need to change direction, but we don’t know where we want to go. When we get inner clarity about what we want and set the precise intention, inspired action follows;

5. When acting would expose us to a risk or danger – sometimes not saying or doing anything is the only right thing to do (from the series “pass the shift” or “play dead”). Everything we say or do can be used against us in some contexts, and just when it’s hard not to act is probably necessary;

6. When we are faced with a provocation – provocations are used to make us take where the provocateur wants (or “our enemy”, we can easily call him that in that context), so instead of freely choosing how to act, we submit to the command of how to re-act. When faced with a provocation, it is always the best move not to respond automatically/instinctively, also to give us time to understand where the provocateur wants to take us and why;

7. When we need to develop patience – managing not to act or waiting for the moment to act is very difficult, because it puts us in front of a void, which metaphorically corresponds to silence (in a conversation or with ourselves): the majority of us do not tolerate it and tend to fill it with anything. Patience also relates to the issue of trust. Indeed, we must be confident to wait for the right moment to act, certain that it will come and that we will be able to recognize it.

And you, do you know when it’s time to sit still? Do you have your own strategies to succeed? Share it in the comments!

Originally posted 2023-07-25 10:19:58.