You have a problem? –

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You have a problem?  -

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Many would answer: “Just one? Let’s hope!”

Perhaps one of the most popular wishes is to “have a problem-free life”.

Obviously, this is unachievable. If we think about it, sometimes we ourselves get into trouble just at the moment when everything goes smoothly, life is calm and close to that longed-for problem-free state.

We are all constantly struggling with some problem to solve, and looking for some specialist who can help us. In fact, we have specialists in the most disparate fields.

But the area in which it is difficult for most people to recognize the need to turn to a specialist is certainly our interiority.

Indeed, we are inclined to deny with all our might that we need a hand in managing our emotions, mental processes or more subtle aspects of interiority, the spiritual ones.

It’s always around the corner there wrong belief what consultancy in this area means be stupid.

But what do I care about working on my interiority? You can’t see it anyway!

This is another mistaken belief.

Paradoxically, indeed our interiority it is the most important area of ​​life simply because it affects all other visible areas of life, and in a fundamental way. The fact that it is the invisible area (unlike all the others) makes awareness of its importance more difficult.

Our way of leading life, managing relationships, decision-making, communication, motivational processes and overcoming crises depend on our interiority. The mind itself is a tool that we must learn to use well, and paradoxically it is the thing that they do not teach us in any school curriculum.

In fact, only the most ambitious and brilliant are able to overcome the prejudice that it is useless to turn to a coach, counselor, psychologist or other types of professionals within holistic operators.

All the people who have emerged from mediocrity and build their own well-being and the life they really want (often envied by the majority) they take great care of their inner life and are supported by specialists.

Just as it is easier to repair a small cavity, or prevent its appearance, it is easier “kill the monster while it is small”that is, dealing with bad moods, daily dissonances and the dynamics that we notice repeating themselves, without waiting for them to grow.

What is a problem?

The word comes from Greek termwhat does it mean “impediment, obstacle that presents itself in front”.

So, it stops us from moving forward.

But every problem, before becoming oneit looks like difficulty. The meaning of this word, of provenance LatinAnd “uncomfortable, tiring, not easy”. Does it remind you of leaving your comfort zone?

So, easily translated: if life presents us (through a difficulty we encounter) a request to leave our usual way of doing something (therefore to change), and we turn a deaf ear, the question becomes serious and difficulty becomes a problem. And the problem can also get worse if we continue to turn a deaf ear.

That is, it is as if life were telling us: “If you refuse to change, to learn something that is uncomfortable and difficult for you, I will prevent you from moving forward”.

Do you accept challenges?

Whether you accept them or not, life is full of challenges. obviously, not accepting them becomes in itself a difficulty to work on to overcome.

Challenges affect all areas of life, without exceptions.

The essence of every challenge is change.

Difficulties are a way that life pushes us (or, if you prefer more colorful language, kicks us in the ass) to grow and evolve as people. And if we don’t answer the call, He admonishes us through the problems.

Usually it takes less time and effort to overcome a difficulty than to solve a problem.

Maybe turning to a coach when we come across a difficulty that we don’t know how to deal with isn’t really a bad idea?

THE change professionals maybe they have a reason. And perhaps, rather than thinking that turning to them means being stupid, it would be prudent to reverse the view and consider that it is stupid not to turn to them. Kind of like not looking for a plumber when the tap is leaking.

What do you think about it? Tell me in the comments!

Originally posted 2023-10-29 00:55:23.